The present website www.rcmak.com is owned by Mª Lidia Ortega Diez, NIF: 72784817Y, Santiago 20bis plant 1b, 26500 Calahorra, La Rioja, Spain, Tel. +34 620778754, Email: rcmak@rcmak.com (Forward "rcmak")
PROTECTION OF DATA.- In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the information you provide us through this website will be incorporated into A file duly registered in the Register of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, and will be used for the sole purpose of managing the services and / or services offered by "rcmak" in the scope of its activity through this website .
In the case of a request for registration through the forms contained in this website, it will be mandatory to provide the required fields in each of the sections. If you do not fill in these mandatory minimum fields, the system will prevent you from sending the form and a warning screen will appear asking you to provide this mandatory data.
By completing these forms and by sending contact communications via e-mail, the user consents to the processing of his data by "rcmak" for the purposes outlined in the previous paragraphs as well as for, in Commercial communications relating solely to the products and / or services offered by the
Present website, made through email, or equivalent means.
It is reported that information could also be obtained, anonymously, regarding the screens visited by the users, the time of permanence in the website, as well as to the realized discharges, to the statistical effects alone, that allow to elaborate improvements in the services And perform basic administrative tasks. Although no other type of data is collected on the navigation, only the cookies installed on the user's computer are necessary to keep your private session active in order to allow access to the restricted contents of the web.
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to "rcmak", sending your request to C / Santiago 20bis plant 1b, 26500 Calahorra, La Rioja, Spain, or via rcmak@rcmak.com. The application must contain the name, surname of the person concerned, photocopy of the ID card, passport or other valid document that identifies it and, if applicable, the person representing it, as well as
Document proving the representation, request in which the request is made, address for the purposes of notifications, date and signature of the applicant and supporting documents of the petition formulated. If the application does not meet the specified requirements will require its correction. Regarding the right of access, it will only be denied when it is exercised in an interval of less than twelve months and there is no legitimate interest to that effect, as well as when the request is made by a person other than the one affected. Applications for the exercise of the right of cancellation can not be attended to while there is a contractual or negotiating relationship with the owner of this website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may object to the processing of your data for the sending of commercial or advertising information.
In compliance with article 49 of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which approves the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of personal data, we inform the Users who have expressed their opposition to their data being treated for commercial or advertising purposes by the owner of this website of the existence of a common file of general exclusion.
The owner of this website has taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored And the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or the physical or natural environment.
INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. "Rcmak" holds all intellectual and industrial property rights relating to the content and design of your site, except for those trademarks and / or logos owned by their respective owners. It is expressly forbidden the reproduction, in whole or in part, of this website and any of its contents without the express permission of the owner.